Elevator Pitch

Poya Zone Tracking Company is proud to present new telemetric solutions with brand name of Poya Zone Tracking Company. It is the global leader in delivering the field proven GPS/GSM (GPRS+SMS) and all Satellite system for mobile Fleet for all types of sizes. The core focus of Poya Zone is continuously providing leading edge, robust tracking, and monitoring and complete remote management system for time and mission critical application. Has been successfully offering in, Middle East as well as Asia (Afghanistan) has market leadership status in all these continents. Poya Zone launched its operations in Afghanistan. Poya Zone is registered and approved from all the concern bodies in Afghanistan.

Market Positioning Chart
The Market

The market for GPS car tracking installation and maintenance services is driven by the purchase of cars and the increase in consumers’ spending – in essence, as the general economy of a country grows, more people will buy cars and more people will patronize the services of GPS car tracking installation and maintenance businesses.

GPS car tracking installation and maintenance services business responds to the increase in household spending and also increase in the volume of cars in a particular area or city. The trend of the market can be predicted without stress.

The trend in the GPS car tracking installation and maintenance line of business is that most GPS car tracking installation and maintenance companies in the bid to survive the recent global economic meltdown included additional services to their core service offerings.

Some GPS car tracking installation and maintenance companies includes services such as automobile electrical repair works, sale of auto electronic accessories and GPS car tracking installation and maintenance trainings, advisory and consulting services. It is much easier for GPS car tracking installation and maintenance companies to increase their revenues by diversifying as against increasing the scope of their market.

Risk Analysis
Define the Risk Risk Name Severity Counter Strategy
Security Insecurity
I will choose a safe location for my business. 
Liquidity Lack of cash
I will secure other funding opportunities. 
Business Trends
Impact Trends
Social Political Security Technological Economical
Favourable Yes, it favourable Yes, it favourable Yes, it favourable Yes, it favourable Yes, it favourable
Further Analsis I need further analysis I need further analysis I need further analysis I need further analysis I need further analysis
Competitive Advantages
Compititors Advantage
Taktaz Yes Yes No No Yes
Save Zone Yes Yes Yes No Yes
Amu Yes Yes No Yes Yes
Cyber Plus Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
PoyaZOne Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Business Minimum Viable Product
Objectives How specifically does your minimum viable business product meet this objective?
Value: Provides consistent value to end user We offer 4G Services
Pay: Prove that the economic buyer will pay something for the product placement We test the product before the customer pay and we train the customer
Feedback: Creates meaningful feedback loop with customer (end user, economic buyer and champion) We have feedback form and also we train customers
High-level Product Specifications

Understanding the trend in the market, we have imported unique products with an added advantage over other similar products in the market. Alongside other advantages, the car which is equipped with our tracker, the car owner can know the level of fuel, they can switch the car on/off whenever they want, they can locate the car using the GPS and other technologies. In addition to the above-mentioned advantages, the price of our tracker is somehow cheaper than the competitors since we are importing it directly from the producer in China. In this way, we are offering our customers full-functional car tracker devices at a lower price than the same products. 

Why the customers need your product/service

In the context of Afghanistan, there are lots f threats for ourselves and our portable assets. Nowadays, the rubbery of cars has become an unbearable problem for most Afghan who owns a car. This has been a problem from the old days, but now it has become very much. Having this problem considered, we entered the market to offer our customers a full-fledged tracker to help them track their cars minute by minute with all the details needed. 

Our tracker can track the location of the car using the exact GPS. It shows the fuel level; through it, the car owner can switch the car on and off and other advantages. 

Product Plan
# Feature/ Function Benefit For whom? End user, economic buyer Hoe does it leverage your core? Priority Estimated resources
1 Locating the car The car owner knows the location of car, if rubbed.  All of our customers It is part of our core business Yes, it is our priority Hr, Financial, and other facilities
Cost of Customer Acquisition

Being in this industry for the last 10 years working with similar companies, I have totally understood how best I can market my product and how best I have to use different marketing strategies. For the Poya Zone Car tracker, I am using different marketing strategies as following:

  • Social Media: our expert team of social media is regularly posting, replying to the comments and messages of our leads and prospective customers
  • Direct marketing: Alongside the social media, our marketers are regularly going to the field for making people aware of our products. During the field visit, our team has brochures, flyers, business cards, and other printed materials and distributes them among the leads. 
Market Segmentation




The people who own car


The car owners who want to track their cars ignoring where they are


The car owners who want to have access to their cars even when they are not in their cars. 
Beachhead Market
Is the target customer well-funded & readily accessible to the sales force? Yes
Do they have a compelling reason to buy? Yes
Can you today, with the help of partners, deliver a whole product? Yes
Is there entrenched competition that could block you? No
Can you leverage this segment to another segment? Yes
Can you show results in an acceptable timeframe? Yes
Beachhead Market Summary

Using the questions answered above, the most appropriate market for our business is the locations of Kabul where high-class people live. Knowing the target market in detail, we know the locations with high-profile people, have expensive cars and the security of their cars matters to them. In addition, during the market research we did for the past few years, we have found that another target customer for our business is offices who hire a driver. When the car is equipped with a tracker, the driver could not misuse the car for their personal purpose. 

Full Life Cycle User Case
Stage# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Action How do they determine need, and what is their catalyst to take action? How do they find out about their options? How do they analyze their options? How do they acquire your products? How do they pay for your products? How they install or set up your products? How do they use and get value out of your products? How to they determine the value they gain from your products? How do they buy more of your products? How do they tell others about your products?
Who is involved The need for locating the car location. By searching in the market By comparing the price and quality We have an office in Project Taimani Cash on purchase Our technicians helping them with installing the trackers By making their cars safe  NA By having another car By word of mouth
Business Model Canvas
1.Key Partners

Al Tracker suppliers outside Afghanistan

2.Key Activities

Installation GPS

App Activation

Customer Training for using app

Payment Process Maintanance 

6.Key Resources

Human Resource

Office Complete

Social Media

Sales Force

3.Value Propositions

We offer Good price

We have Car Doctor Support 

Professionality and Expiriance 

4.Customer Relationships

Call Center

Loyalty Programs

Socail Media


Socail Media

Sales Force

Call Center

Car Fixing Workshop

5.Customer Segments

All car owners

Public Sector 



Transport Companies 

8.Cost Structure


Office Expenses

Installation Cost

Telecom Cost




9.Revenue Streams

Device Sell 

Monthly Fees


Investment Management
investment terms

Our competitive advantage

GPS car tracking installation and maintenance business is an easy to set up business especially if you are able to acquire the required training, start – up capital and of course the required license. It means that the possibility of GPS car tracking installation and maintenance business springing up in the location where our company is located is high. We are aware of this which is why we decided to come up with a business concept that will position us to become the leader in Afghanisatn.

Our competitive edge is that we are a standard and well equipped GPS car tracking installation and maintenance business that is positioned to handle both corporate clients and individual clients.

Investment managment plan

We can confidently say that the strategic locations we intend covering, the Business model we will be operating on, ease of payment, wide range of GPS car trackers and our excellent customer service culture will definitely count as a strong competitive advantage for System Poya Zone GPS, So also we have a well – experienced and qualified team that can go all the way to give our clients value for their money; a team that are trained and equipped to pay attention to details.

For the time being, System Poya Zone GPS has no real competitors that can match compete with the quality of services we offer and our business offerings. Our customer service will be customized to meet the needs of all our customers.

Lastly, all our employees will be well taken care of, and their welfare package will be among the best within our category (startups GPS car tracking installation and maintenance businesses in the Afghanistan) in the industry. It will enable them to be more than willing to build the business with us and help deliver our set goals and achieve all our business aims and objectives.

Breakdown the costs

We have been able to critically examine the GPS car tracking installation and maintenance market and we have analyzed our chances in the industry and we have been able to come up with the following sales forecast. The sales projection is based on information gathered on the field and some assumptions that are peculiar to similar startups in Afghanistan.

Below are the sales projection for Poya Zone GPS it is based on the location of our business and of course the wide range of related services that we will be offering;

12. Our Pricing Strategy

Our pricing system is going to be based on what is obtainable in the GPS car tracking installation and maintenance line of business, we don’t intend to charge more (except for premium and customized services) and we don’t intend to charge less than our competitors are offering in Afghanistan.

Be that as it may, we have put plans in place to offer discount services once in a while and also to reward our loyal customers especially when they refer clients to us. The prices of our services will be same as what is obtainable in the open market.

The Team
Mujiburuuahman Poya

Mr Mujiburrahman Poya is Co-Founder of Poya Zone Vehicle Tracking Company.