Terms of Services

Please read these Terms of Use carefully before using the services offered by Sarmayah.com. This agreement sets forth the legally binding terms and conditions for your use of the website (www.sarmayah.com) and the services provided by Sarmayah. By using our website, or services in connection with this agreement, you agree to be bound by this agreement, our privacy practices, and all other communications rules, policies, and procedures that may be published by Sarmayah.com from time to time on this website without prior notice to you. 

In addition, your use of the website is governed, controlled, and monitored by Sarmayah.com. The reason to do so is to control and prevent any possible fake account creation on this platform. Sarmayah.com technical team has the right to terminate or block your access to all or any part of the website and services at any time, with or without notice, effective immediately. 

If you have any concerns or do not agree with the terms of this agreement, you are not eligible to participate in Sarmayah.com services. This term of use and user agreement applies to all users of this platform, including but not limited to entrepreneurs and investors. 

When you register on Sarmayah.com, you are agreeing on the below terms of use from the platform:

  1. You accept that Sarmayah.com is just a matchmaking platform and connects you with the investors/entrepreneurs.

  2. As a matchmaking platform, Sarmayah.com only connects you with the investors/entrepreneurs. It does not interfere with how you agree with the third party when it comes to investment deals, investment terms, investment conditions, and partnership agreement terms. 

  3. Sarmayah.com as a platform with a focus on investment matchmaking does not recommend any business for you to invest in or an investor to get an investment from.

  4. When you register your business on Sarmayah.com, your business information will only be available for investors. Sarmayah.com does not accept any claim if your business idea is misused or copied.