Elevator Pitch

Fruits and vegetables as rich sources of vitamins, minerals, and fiber are the most important nourishment in human being life. A diet of fruits and vegetables can help people with protecting against cancer, diabetes, and heart diseases.

Scientific researches showed that everyone should eat at least five kinds of vegetables and two kinds of fruits every day for having good health. However, people in the societies due to the lack of time or busy schedule and other life responsibilities, as well as due to laziness and giving less importance to such sources of nutrias and appeal are ignoring fruits and vegetables. That is why we established the Tar O Taza salad bar. Our business mainly focuses on healthy salads and smoothie bars in Afghanistan that will serve well-balanced and reasonable priced food options for diet-conscious people, vegetarians, patients, athletes including bodybuilders, and people searching for healthy yet tasty food options.

Since enough innovation is considered in our business, there is no any other business with such focus in Afghanistan. We mainly work in four main domains as a salad and smoothies bar, as a diet-maker for the gyms, packing of fruits & vegetables, making salads for the wedding hotels.

As the next years' plan, we will export of fruits and vegetables to our neighbor countries for that we have an expansion plan also that we will follow that, and reach our goals.

Market Positioning Chart
The Market

Based on the conducted market positioning, we believe that there is no one working in this field of work with the main focus on fruits and vegetable salads. 

There are lots of restaurants, cafes, and other food and drink services providers in the market that are also offering salads as part of their menus, but their focus is not totally concentrated on vegetable and fruit salads. From this point of view, we are the only ones focusing on this area of work. 

After conducting the market positioning, we found out that Tahzib can be a strong competitor for our business since they are also providing their customers with the same products we offer. The negative point about their business is the cost they charge their customers. In comparison to them, we are much affordable. 

The local restaurants and cafes are also part of our competitors since they are also offering their customers salads of vegetables and fruits. When it comes to competition, the only thing they have better than us is the age and brand of their businesses. They have been in this market for a longer period of time than of us, ignoring this point, they do not have any special thing that our products. 

Risk Analysis
Type Risk Sevirity Counter Strategy
Raw Materials Lack of raw materials
We will make sure to build enough network of suppliers.
Competition New competitors entering the market
We will bring innovation in our work to well-compete with the competitors.
Business Trends
Impact Trends
Social Political Security Technological Economical
Favourable Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Unfavourable NA NA Semi NA NA
Further Analsis NA NA NA NA NA
Competitive Advantages
Compititors Advantage
Ready-made Salads Veg food Options Salad Bar Diet Plan Diet Food Options
Restaurants Yes No No No No
Tahzib Yes Yes No No No
Juice Bar Yes No No No No
Local Salad Bars Yes No No No No
Tar o Taza Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Business Minimum Viable Product
Objectives How specifically does your minimum viable business product meet this objective?
Value: Provides consistent value to end user We strive to provide good and healthy ready-made salads to our customers. We provide well-balanced and reasonable priced food options for diet-conscious people, vegetarians, patients, athletes, bodybuilders, and people searching for healthy yet tasty food options.
Pay: Prove that the economic buyer will pay something for the product placement Diet conscious-people, vegetarians, athletes, bodybuilders will find their food options in our salad bar, and in addition, they will get a proper diet plan with the help of our nutritionist.
Feedback: Creates meaningful feedback loop with customer (end user, economic buyer and champion) For constant feedbacks, we put extra questions in every form created for our menu of the salad bar. Further, we are in contact with our customers in social media, call, and in-person, so we usually ask them for specific feedback.
High-level Product Specifications

Tar O Taza company operates actively in four main domains as a salad bar, a diet maker for gyms, packing of fruits & vegetables, making salads for the wedding hotels, offices, etc. Tar-o-Taza offers different types of fruit and vegetable products that contain 100% fresh fruits and vegetables, due to the busy schedule of people, the demand for such healthy and useful snacks is really high. We found it through a min market research we conducted in the Shahr Now area of Kabul.

In this mentioned location, we identified many gyms, markets, and other segments of our community that are interested in our products. The main problem in Afghanistan as we have found out is the use of non-hygienic foods which cause physical and mental problems. Also, the reason that why people in Afghanistan do not use fruits and vegetables is that they cannot afford to buy them. So our business produces healthy vegetables and fruits salad at a reasonable price.

Tar-O- Our salad bar is active now.

We procured a small place for our business. And we provide ready-made salads for our customers in our salad bar and we work contract based also and we are working online also we get the order from our pages.

Why the customers need your product/service

As per our survey, we have anticipated that the demand for our products is very high, so we believe that we will have enough customers even at the beginning. The only thing we need is to promote our business and create brand awareness by explaining the advantages of fruits and vegetables to the people within our community. After giving awareness about our products and being experienced by some customer, the number of our customers is doubled in 6 months. Customers need our product because we don’t have in our country a place where vegetarians should get veg food or who need to have healthy food, that should be balanced with reasonable priced, for diet conscious, vegetarian, patients, athletes, bodybuilders and people searching for healthy yet tasty food options. Due to the busy lifestyle people pay for it, it takes time to cut and wash the vegetables and make salads or any other veg food, so people will pay for it, and another reason people will pay for it, it’s because of our salads taste, we have special dressing of salads recipe that makes our salad tasty and unique, so due to its taste and ready-to-eat, they will pay for it.

Product Plan
# Feature/ Function Benefit For whom? End user, economic buyer Hoe does it leverage your core? Priority Estimated resources
1  Ready-made salad and our salad bar for vegetarians  Find their veg food options in a easiest way, and diet plan according to their body need.  Diet conscious, heathy enters, vegetarians, athletes, bodybuilders .  It make me to be a young and effective women in society, as a entrepreneur, and my family and my friends will be proud of me.  Our products are unique. Apps subscriptions ,website.
Cost of Customer Acquisition

Before we enter the market, we conducted wide-range market research to find out the demand for our products as well as to do a full-mapping our competitors in the market. From this research, we gained a better understanding of our business as well as we knew that our business fully feasible in the context of Afghanistan since there is no one working in this industry. 

We also researched potential business opportunities as well as we analyzed the demand for our business so that we understand better from where and how should we start. Our target markets are men and women who are caring for their health and prefer salads over other fast food. Our main focus is gyms, universities, event planners, and supermarkets. For example in gyms, people need a perfect diet to lose weight and/or to gain weight. To help our customers with this, we have designed a fully-functional diet to be included in our menu, where people can choices according to themselves.

To spread the news of my business and to reach the target audience of our business, we will use social media as well as printed marketing strategies. Based on our planning, we would be spending around $1000 for both strategies.

Market Segmentation


Shahr Now, Taimani, Qala e Fatullah in Kabul for now


Age: 7+

Gender: M/F

Occupation: any

Socio-economic: 5000+


Rate of usage

Benefits sought

Loyally status

Readiness to purchase


High class people
Beachhead Market
Is the target customer well-funded & readily accessible to the sales force? Yes
Do they have a compelling reason to buy? Yes
Can you today, with the help of partners, deliver a whole product? Yes
Is there entrenched competition that could block you? Yes
Can you leverage this segment to another segment? Yes
Can you show results in an acceptable timeframe? Yes
Beachhead Market Summary

Our ideal market is diet conscious people, healthy centers, vegetarians, gyms, hospitals, universities, offices, etc. Among our beachhead market, athletes at gyms are the ideal people for our customers since either they want to gain and/or weight.

Planned areas of Kabul city, especially the central areas of the city are ideal for our business.

Full Life Cycle User Case
Stage# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Action How do they determine need, and what is their catalyst to take action? How do they find aout about their options? How do they analyze their options? how do they acquire your products? How do they pay for your products? How they install or set up your products? How do they use and get value out of your products? How to they determine the value they gain from your products? How do they buy more of your products? How do they tell others about your products?
Who is involved Most of our customers are generally need our products, e.g. athletes Through searching the market.  By comparing the prices in the market We are open for online and offline ordering in the market Cash on delivery and cash for service when used. NA By using the salad instead of a meal NA We have some customers who are using our products in a daily basis. Through sharing on their social media account as well as through word of mouth
When We are operating in the market now. We are operating in the market now. We are operating in the market now. We are operating in the market now. We are operating in the market now. We are operating in the market now. We are operating in the market now. We are operating in the market now. We are operating in the market now. We are operating in the market now.
Where We are located in Shahr Naw, Kabul We are located in Shahr Naw, Kabul We are located in Shahr Naw, Kabul We are located in Shahr Naw, Kabul We are located in Shahr Naw, Kabul We are located in Shahr Naw, Kabul We are located in Shahr Naw, Kabul We are located in Shahr Naw, Kabul We are located in Shahr Naw, Kabul We are located in Shahr Naw, Kabul
How Offline and online order and delivery Offline and online order and delivery Offline and online order and delivery Offline and online order and delivery Offline and online order and delivery Offline and online order and delivery Offline and online order and delivery Offline and online order and delivery Offline and online order and delivery Offline and online order and delivery
Business Model Canvas
1.Key Partners
  • Suppliers
  • Productions
  • Retail shops
2.Key Activities
  • Production
  • Packaging
  • Distribution
  • Order Delivery
6.Key Resources
3.Value Propositions
  • Best prices
  • Quick and on-time delivery
  • Exclusive and order-based products
  • Accepting online orders
  • Best design
4.Customer Relationships
  • Social media
  • Website
  • Phone calls
  • Trade shows
  • Exhibitions
5.Customer Segments
  • Athletes
  • University students
  • Organizations
  • Event organizer
  • Hotels
  • Restaurants
  • Routine Orders
8.Cost Structure
  • Employees
  • Taxes
  • Space rent
  • Equipment
  • Communication
  • Daily Operations
9.Revenue Streams
  • Products sales
  • Delivering orders
Investment Management
investment terms

As part of our terms and conditions for accepting investment for our business, we are involving the investor(s) in both profit and loss. The initial investment target is #10,000 with a range of 30% share of our business. 

To add more to that, we will be open to any terms and conditions from investors since it is a mutual agreement between two bodies. We are totally flexible when it comes to the investment terms and conditions based on the investment amount as well as the desire of investors. 

Furthermore, the investor would have access to all the information about our business including but not limited to expenses, revenues, contracts, clients, partnerships, and so on. 

Using this amount of money, we would go for the second brand of the Tar o Taza in a new central and crowded location of Kabul. In the new location, we would have the investors part of our team maybe as a shareholder or any other preferred position by the investors. Using the investors' expertise if available, we would be happy to expand our business to at least two new locations in Kabul. 

When we are negotiating for the investment amount, we will be providing the investor with enough information including data about expenses and revenues. 

Investment managment plan

When an investment deal happened and we received the required investment, we will be mainly using it for our business expansion. We will rent a place a bigger place in Shahr Naw and two other central and crowded locations of Kabul. In addition to the locations, we would buy some equipment for our business. To name some of them, we will purchase a refrigerator/freezer to keep the made salads. 

Furthermore, we will use the remaining money for the marketing and promotion of our business. We will use the money for social media management with sponsoring the plan, we will use it for our direct marketing, printing the brochures and flyers, as well as Google promotion and search engine optimization. In addition, we will hire a marketer for going to the field and distribute our brochures and inform the target audiences of our product/services. In addition, we will use the investment amount for re-branding for making our branding more professional. Although the current brand is also good, since we want to expand our business, we need a stronger brand and visual identity. 

Alongside other plans, we want to expand our services by exporting Afghan fruits and vegetables to the neighboring countries.  

Breakdown the costs

Using the plan mentioned above, we will be using the investment amount as below:

As the total investment, we are seeking to receive at least $10000,

For the salad bar in the current and new locations, we would need to have at least one freezer to keep the salad for a longer period of time. Since we aim to expand our business by inaugurating at least two new locations around Kabul City. When the new locations are opened, we would need to decor then considering our branding. 

The Team
Ahmad Siyar Bigzad

Siyar has received his Bachelors in Computer Science from the reputable university of India. Being an advisor, he would be working with Tar o Taza in social media strategy as well as digital promotion

Data Room