Elevator Pitch

We are living in the age of connectivity, with one press of the button, one swipe left or right, you can open up new worlds in seconds. I, as a software developer observe that the paper-based reservation is facing many problems and challenges, it is a time-consuming and resources wasting process.

          The Online Bus Ticket Reservation Management System (OBTRMS) is a Web and Android-based system for selling online tickets of the Bus Transportation Companies around Afghanistan which brings more facilities for the Bus Transportation Ticket selling system and the customers who are keen to get their intended ticket on time. The system is very useful, trustable and powerful and also it has a user-friendly platform that can bring facilities for the Companies than the previous System (Paper Based) with very high functionality.

 Using this system, the Bus Transportation Companies does not need to print the tickets, hire employees, having agents in different parts of the city. Meanwhile, through the proposed system Bus Transportation Companies can have a complete and accurate Ticket Selling System online.

            Passengers can easily book tickets and trips around the country. By implementation of OBTRMS, Bus Transportation Companies Can sell a huge number of tickets to a huge number of Passengers in less time through E-Commerce System Like Afghanistan online Payment System which Supports by Bank and M-Paisa, M- Hawala, Momo, AziPay which support by Telecommunication Companies and bank. Therefore, OBTRMS is beneficial for Banks, Telecommunication Companies, bank, Bus Transportation Companies, and Passengers.


A: Paper Base:

  • Printing of tickets are expensive
  • Losing Tickets
  • Making Tickets for free for someone
  • Selling Tickets Cheaper because to complete Bus Set.

B: Lack of security:

  • Today unfortunately in our country no place is safe and going to agencies has to risk there is a lot of risk including a car crash, Bomb explosion, robbing your Wallet.

C: Lack of Centralized Control

  • Lack of a modern system for selling and management of tickets
    • D: Inaccurate report generation:
    • E: Redundancy of Data
    • F: Inconsistency of Data
    • G: Wastage of Time
  • Passengers who want to get a good seat on the Bus should go earlier than others unless 1 or 2 days before the Trip.
The Proposed Solution

A: Paper Base:

  • Printing of tickets are expensive
  • Losing Tickets
  • Making Tickets for free for someone
  • Selling Tickets Cheaper because to complete Bus Set.

B: Lack of security:

  • Today unfortunately in our country no place is safe and going to agencies has to risk there is a lot of risk including a car crash, Bomb explosion, robbing your Wallet.

C: Lack of Centralized Control

  • Lack of a modern system for selling and management of tickets
    • D: Inaccurate report generation:
    • E: Redundancy of Data
    • F: Inconsistency of Data
    • G: Wastage of Time
  • Passengers who want to get a good seat on the Bus should go earlier than others unless 1 or 2 days before the Trip.
Market Positioning Chart
The Market

The market for this service delivery methodology is totally un-touched in Afghanistan. Right now, there is no company in the market with this type of service. Our team is completely trained in this field of work. I have researched a lot in the market of Afghanistan to find out someone with these skills and/or with this service, but I have not anyone. Our research showed us that we would be able to take the whole market in the first year of our business operations. The competitors are there, but our service delivery is totally different and we have a different business model for our business. 

The Market

The market for this service delivery methodology is totally un-touched in Afghanistan. Right now, there is no company in the market with this type of service. Our team is completely trained in this field of work. I have researched a lot in the market of Afghanistan to find out someone with these skills and/or with this service, but I have not anyone. Our research showed us that we would be able to take the whole market in the first year of our business operations. The competitors are there, but our service delivery is totally different and we have a different business model for our business. 

Risk Analysis
Define the Risk Risk Name Severity Counter Strategy
Network security Hackers attack to accounts
We have information security manager in our team
Downtime Server Downing
All Our team are software engineer we will not allow to happen it
Business Trends
Impact Trends
Social Political Security Technological Economical
Favourable It is favourable It is favourable It is favourable
Unfavourable NA NA Na It is unfavourable It is unfavourable
Further Analsis NA NA I need further analysis NA NA
Competitive Advantages
Compititors Advantage

Healthy competition
Technology Growth Comfortability Team Innovation
Bubar Yes Yes No Yes No
Fast Taxi No Yes Yes No Yes
Individual Taxis No No Yes Yes No
Our System Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Business Model Canvas
1.Key Partners
  • Bank
  • Telecommunication Companies
  • Bus Transportation Companies
2.Key Activities
  • E-Commerce(online Payment)
  • Bringing Facilities
  • Ease of use
  • uber service
6.Key Resources
  • Bank's Accounts
  • M-Paisa
  • M-Hawala
  • Mo-Mo
  • Boloro
  • Interent
3.Value Propositions

A: Centralized Control

B: Security

C: Fast & Accurate Searching Features

D: Accurate Report Generation

E: Data Consistency

F: Cost-Effective

G: Facilities for Passengers.

4.Customer Relationships
  • through Digital marketing
  • presence Marketing
  •  Bank
  • Telecommunication Companies
  • Bus Transportation Companies
  • Digital Marketing
5.Customer Segments

Afghan citizines

8.Cost Structure


9.Revenue Streams

every day if  we take 10 afghanis from every Passenger if in one day we have 1000 passenger we revenue 10000 afghanis at less

Implementation Plan
phase three

Information Gather and Information analysis about   E-commerce , Bank , Telecomunication Companies and Transportation Companies.

Phase tow

System Development

phase three


Investment Management
investment terms

Our investment terms and conditions are very easy and simple. From our side because this business is my dream and with an investor or without an investor I will run this business in the near future, my business share will be my all services and knowledge plus my experience in this industry. When I found any fund from my side I will share it with the investor who agrees and eager to run this business with me, as I told in the first of this paragraph I will share my knowledge and food industry credit which I earned these past years with the investor.

Investment managment plan

When an investment deal happened and we receive the mentioned investment amount I will break it down for 6 months and the plan is to inject the broken down investment amount to monthly basis, when the mentioned investment amount is broken down then it will be easy to implement the food product operation, the main reason or the plan of the investment break down is to clarify the accountability for the investor and the rest of the team who is involved in this business and the investment amount must spend in a very calculated way in this business cause I don't want any corruption and fraud for it.

Breakdown the costs
The Team
Ali Fayez Bakhtiari

Ali Fayez Bakhtiari has a Bachelor's degree from Kabul Polytechnic University, Faculty of computer science, and has more than two years of experience in Branding, Digital Marketing, and Software development.

Kazem Ahmadi

Kazem Ahmadi has a Bachelors degree from Kabul Polytechnic University Faculty of Computer Science and has years of experience in information security, software development, and marketing