Elevator Pitch

Modern Design Advertising Company was established in 2020 aiming to cooperate with small and large companies in the area of graphic designing. Our company addresses a large part of the needs of graphic design advertising and print media and has been able to complete good projects. In addition, Modern Design Company, in cooperation with scientific and cultural institutions, has been able to launch short-term internship workshops for young graduates. The internships which have been launched by our company have been very productive and have achieved good results. We are going to conduct more of such internship programs in the future.

Market Positioning Chart
The Market

Based on our understanding of the competition in the market, we know most of our competitors are working in a high-level while on the other hand, most of them are working lower level. We also understand that price and quality are the two factors that say the first word while buying a product, that's why, w have designed in a way to have customized ones for all our target market including startups, corporate companies, national and international NGOs and even government of Afghanistan. Understanding the capacity of our competitors in the market, we have hired a qualified team through which we can provide our customers with quality services. 

Risk Analysis
Type Risk Sevirity Counter Strategy
Security Insecurity
We will locate our office in a safe place
Not having client No project
We will bring innovation to our services. 
Business Trends
Impact Trends
Social Political Security Technological Economical
Favourable It has favourable impact It has favourable impact It has favourable impact It has favourable impact It has favourable impact
Unfavourable NA NA NA NA NA
Further Analsis I also need further analysis I also need further analysis I also need further analysis I also need further analysis I also need further analysis
Competitive Advantages
Compititors Advantage
Team Innovation Uniquness Network Lower price
Kundagal Yes No Yes No Yes
Highlight No No Yes Yes Yes
Jahed Laiser Yes No Yes Yes No
Branding No Yes Yes No No
Modern Design Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Business Minimum Viable Product
Objectives How specifically does your minimum viable business product meet this objective?
Value: Provides consistent value to end user Our service has its uniqueness in the market, and that's why the customers are ready to pay us. 
Pay: Prove that the economic buyer will pay something for the product placement Yes, they will pay. 
Feedback: Creates meaningful feedback loop with customer (end user, economic buyer and champion) When we submit an invoice to our customers' post-project implementation, we also submitting a feedback form in which the customer will provide us with their feedback. 
High-level Product Specifications

Modern Design is a professional service provider in the field of advertising, designing, and printing. Our services include all the needed visual identity design for businesses. As our first target market, we aim to serve startups that have started their operations. By this, we want to serve the untapped market of Kabul and provinces in our first attempt. Our designing service includes brand identity design, off-set, stationery, event design, and any other visual identity design of the business. From our understanding of the market in this industry, the most reliable clients for our businesses are small and medium businesses. Since they could not afford to hire a full-time graphic designer. 

Why the customers need your product/service

The need for visual identity increases day by day, and businesses are recognizing the significance of having a clear brand and visual identity. On other hand, the need for graphics designing service is needed when there is about to organize an event or conference. Aside from that, the need for promotional materials including brochure, profile, flyer, business card and so on, proves the importance of our business. Understanding this need, we have designed our services package in a way to well-serve all the segments of our target audience including startups, small and medium-sized enterprises, and corporate companies. In addition, we also provide the interested youths with graphics designing training. 

Product Plan
# Feature/ Function Benefit For whom? End user, economic buyer Hoe does it leverage your core? Priority Estimated resources
1 Uniqueness The customer will be attracted The businesses By this, we can increase the number of our customers Yes, it is our priority HR
Cost of Customer Acquisition

Having the industry knowledge, experience and network, we know how to acquire customers and bring projects for the company. Based on our marketing strategy, we will be using different mediums on which we will target different segments of our target market. For our marketing strategy, we will use the following marketing mediums at their place and time:

  1. Social media marketing: Using the potential of social media, we will target mostly the businesses that have a virtual presence and know the importance of social media marketing. 
  2. Direct marketing: With this, we want to target those of our target audience who could not be found on social media. 
Market Segmentation


Kabul-based businesses especially startups


Corporate companies, small and medium-sized businesses


Those businesses who know the value of visual identity


Those businesses who want to have visual presence. 
Beachhead Market
Is the target customer well-funded & readily accessible to the sales force? Yes
Do they have a compelling reason to buy? Yes
Can you today, with the help of partners, deliver a whole product? Yes
Is there entrenched competition that could block you? Yes
Can you leverage this segment to another segment? Yes
Can you show results in an acceptable timeframe? Yes
Beachhead Market Summary

Based on our understanding from our beachhead market, we know that most of the startups and those businesses who are about to be established are our potential target customers since they do not establish their visual identity yet. With this, we will be totally concentrating on startups and newly-established businesses in the market. 

Full Life Cycle User Case
Business Model Canvas
1.Key Partners

Printing press 


2.Key Activities


Digital marketing 


6.Key Resources







3.Value Propositions

Graphic design 


Product photography 


Digital marketing 

Digital printing 

Officet printing 

4.Customer Relationships

Research any company profile 

Servay one be one each customer 






5.Customer Segments






8.Cost Structure







9.Revenue Streams

Sales from all services 

Investment Management
investment terms

When it comes to investment terms and conditions, we are totally flexible to negotiate with potential investors who want to invest in our business. Further to that, basically, the investment is mostly done with giving the investor share in the profit of the company. With this, we are ready to give the investor share in our profit and loss. Being flexible in the in-kind and cash investment, we would accept any type of support from the investors. Along with financial support, we would also accept technical support in terms of mentorship, business development support, and access to a network from potential investors. 

Investment managment plan

Using the investment amount raised by Sarmayah, we will be able to innovate our office for having a more professional one, as well as we would design and develop some other tailored services' package based on the need of the customers in the market. As an example, we will design workshops for interested Afghan youth. 

Breakdown the costs

We will use the amount differently and wisely to cover all the needed requirements of our plan. 

  1. Marketing cost, $1000
  2. Office re-innovation. $1000
  3. Organizing workshops, $1000
  4. Business expansions, $2000

For this, we will market our current and to-be-designed services in a way to attract more customers in the market. We will organize workshops for interested youths. 

The Team
Amir Hadizada


graduate frome kabul university 

Fin art department .

Experience: 1 year 

Basir Ahmad Kohzabi


On going Studying at kabul university 


1 year 

Data Room