Elevator Pitch

With the respect to the market need, we are planning to start my service company under the name of Gamma Energy Consulting. Which is an energy consulting company. Where we will be targeting new and existed households, industrial and commercial buildings, and the public sector for Energy Auditing, meanwhile universities and energy sector stick holders for our Capacity Building Services and finally publics and private sector for our Technical Designing services.

The company aims to provide the customers with the below-mentioned services:

Energy Audit Practices GEC Capacity Building (Delivering energy-related technical training and seminars) A-Z Renewable Energy Technical Designing full package Installation/Construction services of renewable energy power plants and energy efficiency projects

We designed an overall related energy services platform within our single entity, where we would deliver high-quality services with international norms and standards with low and affordable prices with the respect to our market competitors.

Market Positioning Chart
The Market

Still, now we are a startup and may not have a high position in the market but with the respect to our below competitive advantage in the market, we believe that will acquire a high position in the market.

The level of competition in energy consulting depends largely on the location of the business and of course the niche of your services. If you can successfully create a unique brand identity for your energy consulting services firm or carve out a unique market, you are likely going to experience less competition. For instance, if you are one of the few firms in your location that also offer energy project financing services, you are likely going to have a competitive advantage over your competitors. Top on the list when it comes to the competitive advantages that we are bringing to the table is our ability to attract local support/patronage, our ability to manage risk, and of course our ability to quickly adopt new technology. We are quite aware that to be highly competitive in energy consulting means that we should be able to deliver consistent quality service, our clients should be able to experience remarkable difference improvement in the amount they spend on energy and we should be able to meet the expectations of clients. Gamma Energy Consulting might be new in the industry but our management staff and owners of the business are considered gurus. They are highly qualified energy efficiency experts in the United States. These are part of what will count as a competitive advantage for us. Our employees will be well taken care of, and their welfare package will be among the best within our category in the industry meaning that they will be more than willing to build the business with us and help deliver our set goals and achieve all our aims and objectives.

Risk Analysis
Type Risk Sevirity Counter Strategy
Security Security
It is a slow risk for our business since if the security becomes bad still people would need energy. 
Team Not finding qualified team
I will use my network of engineers expert in this field. 
Business Trends
Impact Trends
Social Political Security Technological Economical
Favourable It is favourable It is favourable It is favourable It is favourable It is favourable
Unfavourable NA NA NA NA NA
Further Analsis NA NA NA NA NA
Competitive Advantages
Compititors Advantage
Price  Convenience  Professionalism Team Innovation
ETC No No Yes Yes No
Barg Engineering Yes No Yes No No
Solar Seller Companies No No No No No
Individual sellers No No Yes Yes No
Gamma Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Business Minimum Viable Product
Objectives How specifically does your minimum viable business product meet this objective?
Value: Provides consistent value to end user High-quality services, affordable price, standard technical designing services, observation of international norms
Pay: Prove that the economic buyer will pay something for the product placement Our target is an economic market and all the prices are set based on the publics’ income. As our targeted groups consist of residential and commercial buildings, university students, and governmental facilities so we paid attention in advance to targeted groups' incomes and daily lifestyle.
Feedback: Creates meaningful feedback loop with customer (end user, economic buyer and champion)

End-user feedback is based on our products as for capacity building services we are going to take evaluation surveys by end of the program and regular emails for program betterment based on feedback forms.

For Energy Audit, technical designing, and electrical technical services we would have evaluation survey forms and regular counteraction via time-based needed methods also through our visits during our free maintenance services.
High-level Product Specifications

Hereby, I would like to look over the need for an energy consulting services business entity and will show the solution which we will provide via our services. We all know that the biggest challenge for Afghan families, especially in big cities like Kabul, is the high price of energy bills including electricity and heating sources that some families even can’t provide basic needs so they urgently want to optimize their consumption. So, for the solution to this biggest challenge, we would like to provide them with Energy Auditing Services such that their consumption becomes lower by about 40 percent of the rate. Such that we will inspect and audit the buildings technically and will provide appropriate solutions.

Also as we are seeing the fast growth of the Energy sector all around the world, and seeing the world converting to renewable energy. People need to have alternative renewable sources for their basic needs and providing these resources needs technical engineering designs and solutions. On the other hand, we are to provide a full package of renewable engineering designs and with international norms and cons. This trend opens thousands of opportunities for us.

Based on my research I have done. It was found that the biggest challenge toward the deployment of renewable energy resources in Afghanistan is the lack of technical professional such that a huge percentage of those who are active in the field of energy in Afghanistan are foreigners and people, especially field related personal urgently need technical training and coaching in order to enter the field. So we are to provide them with a number of needed training and certification in order to be allowed to enter the sector.

Why the customers need your product/service

We are mindful of the fact that there is stiff competition in this industry; hence we have been able to hire some of the best business developers to handle our sales and marketing.

Our sales and marketing team will be recruited base on their vast experience in the industry and they will be trained on a regular basis to meet the overall goal of the organization. We will also ensure that our excellent job deliveries speak for us in the marketplace; we want to build a standard energy consulting service business that will leverage word-of-mouth advertisement from satisfied clients.

Introduce our business by sending introductory letters alongside our brochure to corporate organizations, schools, households, and key stakeholders in Kabul and in advance to the rest of the provinces. Promptness in bidding for energy efficiency consulting contracts from the estates, religious organizations and other cooperate organizations Advertise our business in relevant energy and business-related magazines, newspapers, TV, and radio stations Attend relevant international and local finance and business expos, seminars, and business fairs Create different packages for different category of clients (startups and households) in order to work with their budgets and still deliver quality services to them Leverage on the internet to promote our business Engage direct marketing approach Encourage word of mouth marketing from loyal and satisfied clients Regular counteraction with academic centers like university and training centers

Product Plan
# Feature/ Function Benefit For whom? End user, economic buyer Hoe does it leverage your core? Priority Estimated resources
1 Energy Audit Medium  Residential and commercial buildings, governmental facilities Still in intermediate stage 50% Requires technical work
2 Renewable Energy technical design full package High Publics, SEMs, commercial markets, restaurants, hotels, governmental facilities High stage 25% Requires technical work
3 Capacity Building High  University students and field related professionals Low stage 75% Requires technical work
4 Electrical technical services Medium  Publics, SEMs, commercial markets, restaurants, hotels, governmental facilities High stage 25% Requires technical work
Cost of Customer Acquisition

Home Energy Audit Business Plan – Publicity and Advertising Strategy

We have been able to work with our brand and publicity consultants to help us map out publicity and advertising strategies that will help us walk our way into the heart of our target market. We are set to take the energy consulting services industry by storm which is why we have made provisions for effective publicity and advertisement of our business.

Below are the platforms we intend to leverage to promote and advertise Gamma Energy Consulting GEC.

Place adverts on both print (community-based newspapers and magazines) and electronic media platforms Sponsor relevant community-based events Leverage on the internet and social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google + et al to promote our brand Install our billboards in strategic locations all around Kabul. Distribute our fliers and handbills in target areas ensure that all our workers wear our branded shirts and all our vehicles are well branded with our company’s logo

Market Segmentation


Kabul City


Publics, SEMs, commercial markets, restaurants, hotels, governmental facilities and university sudents




Beachhead Market
Is the target customer well-funded & readily accessible to the sales force? Yes
Do they have a compelling reason to buy? Yes
Can you today, with the help of partners, deliver a whole product? Yes
Is there entrenched competition that could block you? No
Can you leverage this segment to another segment? Yes
Can you show results in an acceptable timeframe? Yes
Beachhead Market Summary

The demographic and psychographic composition of those who need the services of home energy audit services providers cut across small businesses, households, commercial, industries, and governmental facilities.

Gamma Energy Consulting will initially serve households, small to medium-sized businesses, and other clients, but that does not in any way stop us from growing to compete with leading home field entities in the country and worldwide.

By the way, for the next package Technical Designing services/ A-Z Renewable Energy Package, the targeted groups are small and medium businesses and households for small scale plants and national and international investors and industries for large scale power plants designing and technical evaluations. Also, the same categories will be targeted for occasional energy advising services.

Finally, the target for Capacity Building Package is university students and field workers who are active in the field of energy in Afghanistan especially Kabul.

Our target market cuts across businesses of different sizes. We are coming into the industry with a business concept that will enable us to work with small businesses and bigger corporations in and around Afghanistan. Below is a list of the businesses and organizations that we have specifically designed our services for;

Households Small and medium-size business NGOs (National & international) Industries Commercial buildings Hotels and Restaurants The Government (Public Sector) Schools (High Schools, Colleges and Universities) Sports Organizations And especially in Capacity Building Package we will provide university students and energy sector stakeholders with our services

The above-mentioned groups which are allocated in Kabul city could be considered as an ideal market for our business entity.

Full Life Cycle User Case
Stage# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Action How do they determine need, and what is their catalyst to take action? How do they find aout about their options? How do they analyze their options? how do they acquire your products? How do they pay for your products? How they install or set up your products? How do they use and get value out of your products? How to they determine the value they gain from your products? How do they buy more of your products? How do they tell others about your products?
Who is involved We research about our customer By searching the different options By comparing the cost and quality They appraoch us offline or online After the project ends We will help them By efficiently using the existing amount of energy NA By using the current one. Word of mouth
When Need based Need based Need based Need based Need based Need based Need based§ Need based Need based Need based
Where Kabul Kabul Kabul Kabul Kabul Kabul Kabul Kabul Kabul Kabul
How Online/ Offline Online/ Offline Online/ Offline Online/ Offline Online/ Offline Online/ Offline Online/ Offline Online/ Offline Online/ Offline Online/ Offline
Business Model Canvas
1.Key Partners
  • Public sector
  • Private sector 
  • Universities and educational centers
  • International well-known NGOs
  • International energy stakeholders
2.Key Activities
  • Energy Audit
  • GEC Capacity Building full package
  • A-Z Renewable Energy Technical Designing Full Package
  • Renewable Plants Installation/ Construction
6.Key Resources
  • Human resource 
  • Financial resource
  • Physical resource
  • Sharp curriculum
3.Value Propositions
  • High-quality services
  • Energy efficiency
  • Implementing accurate solution
  • Designing standard energy package
  • Committed team
4.Customer Relationships
  • Desired customer relationships
  • Horizontal communication
  1. Organic Digital Marketing
  2. Paid Digital Marketing
  3. Traditional Marketing
5.Customer Segments
  1. Households
  2. Small and medium-sized businesses
  3. NGOs (National & international)
  4. Industries Commercial buildings
  5. Hotels and Restaurants
  6. The Government (Public Sector)
  7. Schools (High Schools, Colleges and Universities)
  8. Sport Organizations
8.Cost Structure
  1. Rent
  2. Payroll
  3. Marketing
  4. Equipment/facilities
  5. Internet
9.Revenue Streams
  1. Conducting Energy Audit practices
  2. Technical desiging
  3. Project construction and equipment installation
  4. Training for energy sector stakeholders and university students
Investment Management
investment terms

Regarding investment terms and conditions, we are totally flexible to negotiate with potential investors who want to invest in our business. Further to that, basically, the investment is mostly done with giving the investor share in the profit of the company. With this, we are ready to give the investor share in our profit and loss. Being flexible in the in-kind and cash investment, we would accept any type of support from the investors. Along with financial support, we would also accept technical support in terms of mentorship, business development support, and access to a network from potential investors. 

Investment managment plan

Using the investment amount raised by Sarmayah, we will be able to innovate our office for having a more professional one, as well as we would design and develop some other tailored services' package based on the need of the customers in the market. As an example, we will design workshops for interested Afghan youth and other energy stakeholders with an aim to empower them from the technical point of view. 

Breakdown the costs

We will use the amount differently and wisely to cover all the needed requirements of our plan. 

For this, we will market our current and to-be-designed services in a way to attract more customers in the market. We will organize workshops for interested youths. 

The Team
Ahamd Fahim Faiz
Co-Founder,Technical Advisor

Mr. Fahim has an advanced degree in Energy Studies and professional experience working with national and international organizations. 

Data Room