Elevator Pitch

The Azeen Collections is a newly established business in Kabul, Afghanistan. Is owned and operated by Farzana Jamalzada, Frogh Sediqi and Ellaha Rabia Omari. We will offer a variety of premade and custom made gilet accessories including jewelry products that are designed and created by the owner on site. All our pieces are designed for the professional and sociable for women. Azeen Collections will offer all types of products that will represent its brand well. Our business goal is to become one of a kind business company in the Afghanistan and we make sure that every product we churn out meets the demands. The workers have been selected across the Kabul, Afghanistan from talented and creative people. We make sure that the members of our workplace go through the specific trainings that positioned them to meet the expectation that required for the business to compete with leading opposition retailing companies in the Afghanistan.

Our client’s interest and satisfaction will always come first, and everything we do will be through our professional ethics. We will ensure that we hold ourselves accountable to meet our client’s needs entirely. Our main step is to make customers feel special in any kind of way.

Market Positioning Chart
The Market

Jewerlies specially custom jewelry has been gaining popularity in emerging market, changing lifestyle. Furthermore, increase in fashion and sudden incearse in adoption of jewelries such as necklaces, rings, and bracelets among female is driving the growth of costume jewelry market to grow higher. Moreover, change in styling of the packaging the jewelry products fuels the costume jewelry market to grow even more. On the contrary, as the fashion is rising among youngsters, and incearsing in demand for costume made jewelry for either female or men offer potential opportunities for manufacturers to innovate and develop new products according to consumer preferences. On the basics of product type, the market is sorted out into necklaces & chains, earrings, rings, cufflinks & studs, bracelets, and others. By gender is it more like male and female. Te division by sale splits into retail sale and online sale.

Risk Analysis
Define the Risk Risk Name Severity Counter Strategy
This risk is a fact. political instability
Actually, this lesser counterable.
According to sales market the middle/lower class sociality sometime will not be capable of purchasing their desire need. Not being able to sale
 To make lower price jewelry with good quality.
Business Trends
Impact Trends
Social Political Security Technological Economical
Favourable Yes NA Yes NA Yes
Unfavourable NA yes NA NA NA
Further Analsis Yes NA Yes Yes Yes
Competitive Advantages
Compititors Advantage
Team Innovation Industry knowledge Industry Network Uniqueness
Avizeh Yes No No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes No
Lam Jewelry Yes No No Yes No
Shahrzad Jewelry No Yes No Yes Yes
Azeen Collection Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Business Minimum Viable Product
Objectives How specifically does your minimum viable business product meet this objective?
Value: Provides consistent value to end user There are some points to have the customers on bay: prioritize our customers, deliver the products on time as promised, create experience mission statements, to be consistent and to be transparent.
Pay: Prove that the economic buyer will pay something for the product placement We sell the perfect accessories according to the customer’s desire, Our products define trendy accessories which customers want to have.
Feedback: Creates meaningful feedback loop with customer (end user, economic buyer and champion) We get our feedback by social media , By using question method and ask for the feedback. After they got the package we simply ask
High-level Product Specifications

To create a unique product by devoting and prioritizing the key products make the customers interested and attracts more customers, by useing this method of creating new and fresh idea into the products so it can bring more buyer to the line. and demanded or trendy products is want customers want us to offer them. Creating a good product is not enough. As soon as realizing that there’s a market for the product, then needs to concentrate on the product’s quality and To create a product that helps achieve the business goals requires professional and accountable workers To hit the market as soon as possible and also Identifying the target audience is one of the most crucial steps for a business. before making a ring we need to find the right amount of material to make a perfect ring, and while making the ring keep in mind the age, trend and a good design or idea to make is perfect.

Why the customers need your product/service
  • Customers need to buy our product to function the way they need in order to solve their desire for the particular product.
  • Our products have different prices for different levels of customers that have unique budgets with which they can purchase a product.
  • Our products are convenient enough to give solution to the function that our customers are trying to meet.
  • The experience using our product are enough clear to reach out customers desired need.
  • The customer’s visits to our products are efficient enough for the customers to reach out us to buy the products.
  • The options when customers visit to make a purchase from Azeen meet their desired choices like the product, subscription, and payment options.
  • -Customers need information, from the moment they start interacting with us to days and months after making a purchase, our service give them information in educational content, instructional knowledge base content, and regular communication with our customers so they can have the information they need to successfully preach the item.
  • Azeen provids multiple channels for customer to interact with our services, with patience and more knowledge about products Azeen gives the satisfaction information to the customers
Product Plan
# Feature/ Function Benefit For whom? End user, economic buyer Hoe does it leverage your core? Priority Estimated resources
1 Traditional afghan accessories Home delivery at no time Transportation

Hiring: Skills can be taught, but values and cultural fit cannot. We hire people whose personal values fits with the company’s values.

Good service Ads and promotions: makes the business expand more.
2 Reliable home delivery Worthy to purchase
and transparency  
Production Empowering to Fix Problems: Each and everyone’s business has tangles, imperfections and inefficiencies that frustrate employees.  Good products
Fair price strategy focus

Community involvement: to be in fashion and social community
3 Color contest Optional choices Different from Competition: In a world where virtually every industry is going through disruption and new competitors are cropping up in unexpected ways, your culture can set you apart. Value customer’s point of view Website: easy way to show the products
4 Anti-allergy Develop accessibility and accountability

Successes and Failures: When something goes wrong, it’s important to figure out why to prevent the same thing from occurring again.

On time reply with valuable content
Cost of Customer Acquisition

Azeen collection provides afghan tredional and ethnic jewelry to women and girls on range of (15-55) Age. To achieve our target customer we would expand our market strategy through:

  • Social Media: since mos of females on this range of age are using Facebook, Instagram ETC.. so its easy to reach target our customer.
  • Printed Marketing: the other strategy we would be willing to use is printed brochures and cards.
  • Word of mouth: by providing best quality and design we would make those who bought from azeen collection should have share the experience and quality with others to gain more customers.
Market Segmentation


“we would deliver the products within Kabul and foreign countries” 
Like Kabul and other countries


“to all females in a range of (15-55) age”


“Customers who are eager values jewelries”
80% females willing to use afghan jewelry in their weeding, casual clothes and small parties.


“Customers who are eager to use domestic product and evolve their own culture”
Who loves fashion, Medium and high profile Lifestyle
Beachhead Market
Is the target customer well-funded & readily accessible to the sales force? Yes
Do they have a compelling reason to buy? Yes
Can you today, with the help of partners, deliver a whole product? Yes
Is there entrenched competition that could block you? No
Can you leverage this segment to another segment? Yes
Can you show results in an acceptable timeframe? Yes
Beachhead Market Summary

Azeen Collections Holdings Limited belongs to jewelry retail industry. It is both secondary and tertiary production which not only turns raw materials into jewelries but also involves in merchandising raw materials and provides retailing services and customized services. Another common trend in the jewelry design industry is that, with the evolvement of the internet, most jewelry businesses no longer settle for clients within the location where their physical office is located but also from any part of the world. With the advent of the internet, it is now easier to work for clients in any part of the world. As such, a jewelry making and retailing company can be located in the Kabul and have their biggest client in Mezar-e-Sharif, India, US, Canada. Many thanks to the power of the internet which has brought the world closer to us.

Full Life Cycle User Case
Stage# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Action How do they determine need, and what is their catalyst to take action? How do they find aout about their options? How do they analyze their options? how do they acquire your products? How do they pay for your products? How they install or set up your products? How do they use and get value out of your products? How to they determine the value they gain from your products? How do they buy more of your products? How do they tell others about your products?
Who is involved Market research Social media Based on their need + product price order throw social media Cash on delivery  N/A By giving their feedback on social media N/A offering most suitable product based on their desires word of mouth + feedback on social media
When actively operating actively operating actively operating actively operating actively operating actively operating actively operating actively operating actively operating actively operating
Where Khair khana Khair khana
Khair khana Khair khana Khair khana Khair khana Khair khana Khair khana Khair khana Khair khana
How Online + Offline order Online + Offline order Online + Offline order Online + Offline order Online + Offline order Online + Offline order Online + Offline order Online + Offline order Online + Offline order Online + Offline order
Business Model Canvas
1.Key Partners

Jewelry supplies



Direct selling

2.Key Activities

To be active in social media Professional workers Marketing Buying jewelries

6.Key Resources

Professional workers

Home delivery

Repair and exchange

3.Value Propositions

Accessories for all levels in sociality With 100% of gilet or nickel

4.Customer Relationships

Social media

Good behavior





Social media website

5.Customer Segments

Other accessory shops

Adults plus kids For female only

8.Cost Structure

Accessories purchase



9.Revenue Streams




Investment Management
investment terms

The total investment amount we need for our business we gonna use in the below items:

1. to create our own delivery system.

2. to start our clothing section. 

3. to make a physical place. 

4. and hire new employees.

Investment managment plan

We would need around 15,000$ - 20,000$. in order to make our desired progress and would like to give back 25% of total benefits to the investor in back. we will use the investment amount in the most needed part of our business to maximize the success and benefits of the business. and we are flexible to any terms and conditions further. 

Breakdown the costs

The Team
Farzana Jamalzada

Farzana jamalzada has a master of business administration. She has served as HR manager and Development specialist. Farzana is responsible for the strategic direction of the company. She leads the management team and oversees all functions. Moreover, she is directly responsible for targeting regional markets and establishing vendor relationships.


Ellaha Rabia Omari

Ellaha Rabia who has diploma in business Management and owns professional experience in finance and accounting management. Ms. Omari will be managing the company’s finance and accounting functions and is responsible for capital raising activities as well as periodic financial reporting.

Frogh Sediqi

Frogh sediqi has bachelor of Economics. She has experience in M&E with USAID and UN. She will lead and manage the marketing and sales functions, and the company’s  marketing and sales strategies. Ms. Sediqi will execute the advertising and promotion plans and also manage relationships with customers and vendors.

Data Room