Elevator Pitch

Ashyana is a real estate company based in Kabul, Afghanistan. We help people buy, rent, sell, geraw, manage, build, invest, and own properties. We are a one-stop-shop for real estate services which includes online property search, brokerage, property management, property development, and attorney.

We started a year ago. Our achievements are the followings:

  • Reached partnerships with 20 local agencies in Kabul city
  • Cooperated with more than 100 agencies
  • Listed 500+ properties
  • Served thousands of leads
  • Closed more than 20 sales
  • Developed a user-friendly website;
  • Gained a good understanding of the nature and trend of the market;
  • We achieved considerable brand awareness:
    • Our Facebook ads reached more than 500,000 users of our targeted audience in Kabul city
    • Have 17,270+ followers on the Facebook page
    • Have 2000+ subscribers in messenger bot
    • Even had customers from foreign countries
  • We prepared various forms and used the most recent apps to automate and simplify the operation processes.

We strive to set up integrated tech solutions with on-site operations

Our Strengths lie in our updated technology, information of international standards, and professionalism.

Our next steps are to increase our agency partners, leads, listings, and leverage; cover the next cities of the country; make partnerships with international firms; integrate and update our tech solutions and operations; strengthen our ventures and/or services.

Our vision is to be the leading agency in the real estate industry of Afghanistan and raise as a reputable international firm. 

Market Positioning Chart
The Market

We are the most advanced company in offering real estate brokerage services since we blend verified technology and professionalism with them.

What we achieved, takes intelligence, dedication, experience, and hard work in the industry. For example, the hard and soft forms we developed for recording details of properties, demands of customers from a specific property,  statement forms before closing a deal, recording the conditions of a rental property before the tenant move-in and etc. In addition, we automated and simplified the process of searching for a property, and communicating with a related agency with the help of various apps is brilliant. No other real estate company could achieve what we achieved. They never passed their old ways of a Facebook page and website.

Risk Analysis
Define the Risk Risk Name Severity Counter Strategy
Internal Conflict Political failure
We will hold our investment, reduce expenses, but continue our operations.
System Failure Facebook hacking
We will make sure to upgrade our social pages secure enough
Business Trends
Impact Trends
Social Political Security Technological Economical
Favourable Welfare Stability Assurance Update Growth
Unfavourable NA Instability War NA Crisis
Further Analsis NA NA NA NA NA
Competitive Advantages
Compititors Advantage
Automated messages, forms and CRM Various operation forms Lots of Agency partners

Real-time data

Potential International Partners
Rhanama Online No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No
Ashyana Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Business Minimum Viable Product
Objectives How specifically does your minimum viable business product meet this objective?
Value: Provides consistent value to end user

We strive to simplify and ease the process of searching or selling properties. 

In addition, we do our best to automate, as much as possible, the process of lead generation, management, and sales for real estate agencies.

Pay: Prove that the economic buyer will pay something for the product placement

Property hunters will find their ideal house with less time and effort.

Landlords can sell their house with less time and more options.

Agencies can get qualified leads.

Feedback: Creates meaningful feedback loop with customer (end user, economic buyer and champion)

For constant feedback, we put extra questions in every form created for our operation processes.

Further, we are in contact with our customers in social media, calls, and in-person; so we usually ask them for specific feedback.

High-level Product Specifications

Our well-established services now are online property search and brokerage – which is offered through our agency partners.

Property hunters can start by sending us messages on Facebook. We developed our messenger bot. It guides each user (buyer or seller) through multi-step messages. We note their personal details and their ideal property details. It automatically enters into our database. Each customer will be categorized and will be assigned to one of our agency partners. The responsible agent will work on the lead received and record the updates on our customized CRM. Our broker manager will track each lead and tasks assigned to ensure nurturing the lead and making the best to close the sale.

Sellers can directly upload their property on our website for free. Or they can choose our brokerage services. We will advertise their properties and/or suggest them to our subscribers.

Agencies can upload their properties on our website. They can also benefit from leads received by our portal. They may choose to split their earned commissions (leads received from us) with us or choose one of our subscription plans.

In addition, we are ready to offer property management, property development, and attorney services. The action plan would be shared later.


Why the customers need your product/service

First of all, we offer the most automated, and simplified service and quality content in the market for property search, listings, lead generation, and customer relationship management.

Second, we are the only providers for some of our services or at least the only professional provider, in the market.

The value we provide for customers worth more than what we ask for. With our services, they would be able to do and achieve more. Since we blend technology and professionalism to existing services in the traditional market. Therefore, they would be able to cut their expenses but raise their income.

*This is copied*

First of all, we offer the most automated, and simplified service and quality content in the market for property search, listings, lead generation, and customer relationship management.

Second, we are the only providers for some of our services or at least the only professional provider, in the market.

The value we provide for customers worth more than what we ask for. With our services, they would be able to do and achieve more. Since we blend technology and professionalism to existing services in the traditional market. Therefore, they would be able to cut their expenses but raise their income.

Product Plan
# Feature/ Function Benefit For whom? End user, economic buyer Hoe does it leverage your core? Priority Estimated resources
1  Automate marketing, sales and customer service Simplification and  automation of tasks

 Buyers, Owners, and Agencies

It can free up or time from repetitive tasks, so we would be able to focus on other important tasks Apps subscriptions
Cost of Customer Acquisition

Leads can easily be generated from Facebook ads and other social media channels. We can have a high number of leads from our social media channels. The cost per lead generated is very less than what is expected. However, qualified leads and lead nurturing is important. Lead nurturing depends both on us and our partner agencies.

Our customers can be categorized into three:

Landlords/investors Property hunters Real estate agencies

We can approach landlords/investors directly for marketing. It applies to potential agency partners as well. 

Agencies can also become our customers when they choose our subscription plan instead of the commission split. 


Market Segmentation


Kabul city's central-planned-areas 


Male and female between 20 - 45 


Those people who value their time and do not have enough time for searchign property


Those people who do not have time for searching property by themselves. 
Beachhead Market
Is the target customer well-funded & readily accessible to the sales force? No
Do they have a compelling reason to buy? Yes
Can you today, with the help of partners, deliver a whole product? Yes
Is there entrenched competition that could block you? No
Can you leverage this segment to another segment? Yes
Can you show results in an acceptable timeframe? Yes
Beachhead Market Summary

When the country is at peace and security is assured, people will invest in real estate. It means people will buy and sell. It means the price will go up. Therefore, the number of sales and the amount of commission will also rise.

Planned areas of Kabul city, especially the central areas of the city are ideal for our business.

Our ideal customers are those who will be loyal to our services only rather than local agencies. Or when they fall in love with one of our listed properties.

Full Life Cycle User Case
Stage# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Action How do they determine need, and what is their catalyst to take action? How do they find aout about their options? How do they analyze their options? how do they acquire your products? How do they pay for your products? How they install or set up your products? How do they use and get value out of your products? How to they determine the value they gain from your products? How do they buy more of your products? How do they tell others about your products?
Who is involved Buyers and Sellers need to find agencies and communicate with them They check different pages in Facebook They rate each page by their content, design and strategy. We provide quality content and automated our communication channels They pay after closing the deal by cash They just have to message us to subscribe to our services They simplify and ease their efforts on finding or selling a property. Once they know about our products they would understand the simplicity and easiness of our services They may choose to buy our other services or contact us again in future. They can recommend their friends about our services.
When When they intend to buy or sell When they intend to buy or sell When they intend to buy or sell When they intend to buy or sell When they intend to buy or sell When they intend to buy or sell When they intend to buy or sell When they intend to buy or sell When they intend to buy or sell When they intend to buy or sell
Where Kabul with vision to expand Kabul with vision to expand Kabul with vision to expand Kabul with vision to expand Kabul with vision to expand Kabul with vision to expand Kabul with vision to expand Kabul with vision to expand Kabul with vision to expand Kabul with vision to expand
How Offering them innovative services Offering them innovative services Offering them innovative services Offering them innovative services Offering them innovative services Offering them innovative services Offering them innovative services Offering them innovative services Offering them innovative services Offering them innovative services
Business Model Canvas
1.Key Partners
  • Local Real Estate Agencies
  • Property Developers
2.Key Activities
  • Listing
  • Lead Generation and management
6.Key Resources
  • Team
  • Agencies
  • Social media
3.Value Propositions
  • Automation of the operation processes
  • Listing the properties
  • Nurturing leads
  • Helping people buy, sell, rent, and geraw
4.Customer Relationships
  • Social Media
  • CRM
  • Direct interaction
  • Website
  • Social media
  • Calls
  • Agencies
5.Customer Segments
  • Landlords/Investors
  • Property Hunters
  • Agencies
8.Cost Structure
  • Promotion and advertisements
  • Website domain hosting
  • Apps subscriptions
  • Office rent
  • Payroll
  • license
9.Revenue Streams
  • Commission split
  • Listing fee
  • Subscription fee
  • Property management
  • Hiring a lawyer
Investment Management
investment terms

As a fast-growing technology interfered startups in the context of Afghanistan, we aim to expand our business to all over Kabul and for the next steps across Afghanistan. To achieve the expansion targets, we would need investment through as the first investment matchmaking platform in the country. 

When it comes to the investment terms and conditions, we are totally open to negotiating any possible terms and conditions with the potential investors from the platform. As the initial thoughts about the terms and conditions, while closing an investment deal, it is mostly about giving the business share in opposing the investment amount. 

Investment managment plan

First, we would establish the core of our business which are website, database, mobile application, and CRM. We would strive to set up integrated tech solutions with on-site operations. For this, we would need an expert team of website and database developers to be deployed for the job. Using the investment we raise through Sarmayah, we will hire the develops in a full-time or freelance capacity to develop our platform.

Then we would strengthen our brokerage services. In other words, we will increase our agency partners, leads, listings, and leverage; cover the next cities of the country; make partnerships with international firms.

Next, we would work on our other services and/or ventures.

Alongside other plans, we will be using the raised investment amount for our market and promotion as well as brand awareness. Understanding this that marketing and promotion can create direct and indirect opportunities or our business, we will be using a bold amount of the investment in our marketing and promotion. Using the power of social including Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn, to printing brochures and flyers and hiring field marketers for making them distributed in the locations we will be targeting. In the next phases of our work, we will be having our own office for our operations. 

Breakdown the costs

Investment management is an imporrtant point of the deal. Being in Ashyana for the past years, we understand well where to spend the money for better growth and having good results in the end. To do so, we have broken down the amount that we are looking for and how we will spend the amount. 

To well-utilize the investment amount for our business, we would have the following cost breakdown:

Total: 20,000 USD

Note: Above calculations are only a rough estimate and precise amount details need further discussion and planning. The team of Ashyana is eager to set and have rounds of meetings with the potential investor(s) discussing how best they can utilize the amount invested in the company.

The Team
Ahmad Sear Sultani

I studied Civil Engineering in India. I have more than four year of working experience in a government organization.

On the other hand, I have been involved in business and investment issues since four years. In other words, I invested in a liquid washing company, and developed two properties.

Ahmad Rasikh Masoom

He is a full-stack developer.

Data Room